13th Gwangju Biennale — Minds Rising Spirits Tuning

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Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology & Society

By Ruha Benjamin

Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology & Society

Ruha Benjamin

September 19, 2020
8am EST / 2pm CET / 9pm KST

Watch it again here.

We are humbled to announce the launch of GB Talks | Rising to the Surface: Practicing Solidarity Futures, our public program initiative, with a keynote by Ruha Benjamin, Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University. Her talk “Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology & Society” explores a range of discriminatory designs that encode inequity—what she terms the “New Jim Code.” This presentation will take us into the world of biased bots, altruistic algorithms, and their many entanglements, and provides conceptual tools to decode tech promises with historically and sociologically-informed skepticism.


Ruha Benjamin is Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Founding Director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, and author of the award-winning book Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code (2019). For more info visit www.ruhabenjamin.com.