With Maya Indira Ganesh, Matteo Pasquinelli, and Dmitry Paranyushkin
February 23, 2021
10–11:30am CET / 6–7:30 pm KST
Please click here to watch the recording of the session.
“Metabolic States of Intelligence” inquires into machine intelligence and the extended mind explored through philosophical and ethical implications of algorithmically generated information feeds as learning and coping mechanisms today. Technology researcher and writer Maya Indira Ganesh examines the poetics and politics of AI metaphors and asks from where and how new metaphors might arise. Philosopher Matteo Pasquinelli discusses his research around the plurality of knowledge models in the age of “monotheistic” AI. Biennale participant and choreographer Dmitry Paranyushkin introduces the idea of dynamic diversity through networked mapping and corporeal techniques while centralizing characteristics of immunity and resilience today.